Monday, May 10, 2010

Stir Fry with Noodles

Posted in , by blkris | Edit
We went on a big group date a while ago and all ate out at a Mongolian Barbeque restaurant.  If anyone has been to these you know you can load up on whatever you want.  They have lots of raw veggies, noodles, and meat and you pile it all in a bowl, add seasonings and then they cook it right there in front of you.  YUM!  Well, I wanted to eat this again, so I decided to make it on my own.  Not as good, but still yummy.  This was kind of one of those things that I didn't have a recipe, but I just threw in whatever sounded good.  So here were my ingredients:

1 pkg dry stir fry noodles
thinly sliced chicken pieces
Green cabbage
sugar snap peas
fresh ginger
seasoned rice vinegar
sesame oil
olive oil
fresh garlic
Any other veggies I had around (I am drawing a blank right now!)

I started out by adding a little olive oil in a pan, a drop of sesame oil (it is kind of strong so don't add too much) and some seasoned rice vinegar.  I added about 1 chopped garlic clove and the onions and cooked those for a bit.  Then I added my chicken and cooked until done.  I put that aside and added a little more of the oils and vinegar and added my veggies, starting with the broccoli and any other hard vegetables.  I cooked those first and added the softer things last, like the cabbage and the peas.  I cooked them all without a lid for a bit, and then added water and put a lid on.  I then added the noodles when my veggies were tender (not soft!) and voila!  You have your homemade mongolian stir fry.  But add some soy sauce to taste and you have it made!

1 commentsStir Fry with Noodles

  1. Christina and Jeremy says:

    I had this recently too and was thinking, "how can I make this myself?" I will have to try your recipe out. Keep cooking.

    June 4, 2010 at 11:37 PM

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